Saturday, August 31, 2019

High school graduates should take a year off before entering college Essay

A woman takes a selfie from a high angle A selfie is a type of self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a hand-held digital camera or camera phone. Selfies are often associated withsocial networking, like Instagram. They are often casual, are typically taken either with a camera held at arm’s length or in a mirror, and typically include either only the photographer or the photographer and as many people as can be in focus, which is more commonly known as a ‘group selfie’ Contents History The first known selfie, taken by Robert Cornelius in 1839 Robert Cornelius, an American pioneer in photography, produced a daguerreotype of himself in 1839 which is also one of the first photographs of a person. Because the process was slow he was able to uncover the lens, run into shot for a minute or more, and then replace the lens cap. He recorded on the back â€Å"The first light Picture ever taken. 1839.† Early Edwardian woman taking her picture in a mirror roughly 1900 Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia taking one of the first teenage self-portraits The debut of the portable Kodak Brownie box camera in 1900 led to photographic self-portraiture becoming a more widespread technique. The method was usually by mirror and stabilizing the camera either on a nearby object or on a tripod while framing via a viewfinder at the top of the box. Russian Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna at the age of 13 was one of the first teenagers to take her own picture using a mirror to send to a friend in 1914. In the letter that accompanied the photograph, she wrote, â€Å"I took this picture of myself looking at the mirror. It was very hard as my hands were trembling.† The concept of uploading group self-taken photographs (now known as super selfies) to the internet, although with a  disposable camera not a smartphone, dates to a webpage created by Australians in September 2001, including photos taken in the late 1990s (captured by the Internet Archi ve in April 2004). The earliest usage of the word selfie can be traced as far back as 2002. It first appeared in an Australian internet forum (ABC Online) on 13 September 2002. Um, drunk at a mates 21st, I tripped ofer [sic] and landed lip first (with front teeth coming a very close second) on a set of steps. I had a hole about 1cm long right through my bottom lip. And sorry about the focus, it was a selfie. Popularity The term â€Å"selfie† was discussed by photographer Jim Krause in 2005, although photos in the selfie genre predate the widespread use of the term. In the early 2000s, before Facebook became the dominant online social network, self-taken photographs were particularly common on MySpace. However, writer Kate Losse recounts that between 2006 and 2009 (when Facebook became more popular than MySpace), the â€Å"MySpace pic† (typically â€Å"an amateurish, flash-blinded self-portrait, often taken in front of a bathroom mirror†) became an indication of bad taste for users of the newer Facebook social network. Early Facebook portraits, in contrast, were usually well-focused and more formal, taken by others from distance. In 2009 in the image hosting and video hosting website Flickr, Flickr users used ‘selfies’ to describe seemingly endless self-portraits posted by teenage girls. According to Losse, improvements in design—especially the front-facing c amera copied by the iPhone 4 (2010) from Korean and Japanese mobile phones, mobile photo apps such as Instagram, and selfie sites such as ItisMee—led to the resurgence of selfies in the early 2010s.

Macroeconomic Aims of a Government Essay

The government and policymakers of a country intervenes in the economy in order to achieve economic growth, price stability, and low rate of unemployment. First and foremost, economic growth can be defined as an increase in the country’s output over a period of time. This means there is an increment in her productive capacity hence a rise in national income. A high economic growth is desirable as it represents an improvement in the material standard of living of the society. A rising real income per head brings about more and better quality goods and services, which are available for consumptions of individuals. However, an improvement in the case of consumer welfare due to economic growth is highly doubtful if the growth is accompanied by undesirable side effects such as negative externalities, leisure time forgone or even a dilution in the society’s tradition & custom. Through redistribution of income, economic growth can eliminate poverty. A higher output allows households to enjoy more goods and services thus generating higher income and through the multiplier effect increases national income by folds. Besides that, the government’s tax revenue will rise too, leading to more benefits for the poor such as education and training. This may even help curb the problem of poverty. The authority also highly regards sustaining a stable price level as a primary objective of economic policy. This is because inflation, defined as a sustained and inordinate increase in the general price level, could have harmful effects both socially and economically. A rising price level creates uncertainties and complicates decision-making, thus may hamper economic growth. Fluctuations in the level of prices makes information conveyed by prices harder to interpret. Consumer, firms, and the government may face a tough time in allocating funds or resources for the future in an inflationary environment. Furthermore, as the society strives to maintain its real value of income by keeping up with rising price level and competing with other social classes, the country’s social fabric could be severely strained. The mere existence of inflation means that the real value of money is falling. Thus, it will be necessary for the government to intervene in  the economy in order to prevent hyperinflation from happening. The countries that experienced the most extreme examples of trotting inflation are Argentine, Brazil and Russia. The slow growth brought about eventually crippled virtually the entire economic system. Every government places a low rate of unemployment at the top of its priority. The percentage of total labor force unemployed makes up the rate of unemployment. Economic costs of unemployment can be devastating, as it could mean a lower Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to loss of potential income to factors of production, whilst social costs such as increased poverty, personal hardships to individuals, decay of unused skills, raise in crime rates and family disputes prove the worthiness of the goal of achieving high employment. On the other hand, stability of a country’s exchange rate in the foreign exchange market (FOREX) is vital, as fluctuations of the exchange rate create adverse effects to the economy. There are mainly two cases which are prevalent in most economies. Firstly, an appreciation of the exchange rate may cause exports to become relatively dearer, and lead to loss of competitiveness (comparative advantage) to a country. Secondly, a depreciation of the exchange rate brings about serious domestic inflation, encourages exodus of capital and thus puts the country under stress of lack of investment and unemployment. On the external aspect, the government aims to achieve equilibrium in the balance of payment, especially the current account. A deficit in the current account drains the savings and reserve of a country significantly, leading to a chain effect of higher national debt and burden to future generations. In view of the above objectives, the government is needed to regulate and rectify situations. Therefore, the conclusion can be arrived that government intervention is fundamental to every economies in the world.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Founder-Ceo Succession at Wily Technology

Founder-CEO Succession at Wily Technology Lew Cirne sat stunned in his chair, digesting what Richard Williams had just proposed. As the founder, CEO, and chairman of Wily Technology, Cirne (pronounced â€Å"Ser-nee†) had worked hard to build the skills necessary to lead a start-up, had developed Wily’s early technology single-handedly, had hired 50 employees to help him build the company, and had successfully spearheaded a strategic transformation of the company.He had led the company to the point where he had convinced several important customers to buy WiIy’s flagship product and had successfully raised two rounds of financing from top investors. ?Cirne ,  · ,CEO, ,Cirne( â€Å"? -NEE†) , , , Wily , 50 , , , ,? WiIy , However, after the last round of financing, at the behest of Wily’s lead venture capitalist, Cirne had agreed to give up his CEO position and step down to CTO and had helped find and recruit Williams to take over the CEO position.N ow, as the last condition before he would accept the job as Wily’s CEO, Williams Wanted Cirne to also give up the chairman position that Cirne had held since Wily’s founding. As he stared out the window, Cirne wondered how he should react: â€Å"Just how much am I going to have to give up to make this thing a success? When is it too much? Is this step i going over the line? † As he thought back through Wily’s history, he also wondered what he could have done differently to avoid having to step down so soon as Wily’s CEO. , ,Cirne CEO , ,CTO, CEO ,Wily? CEO, , Cirne ,? Cirne Wily ,Cirne :â€Å" † , Wily , , Wily? CEO Early Years Lew Cirne grew up in rural southern Ontario, Canada, the only child of worIreminisced: †I played a lot of hockey when I was growing up. I was a goalie_l used to play way out of the net, taking obscene risks to get to the puck. It’s a very entrepreneurial position.When I wasn’t in the hockey rink or at music rehearsal, I was programming. My mom loves to say that she got me a Commodore PC when I was 12 and that she hasn't seen me since. † ? Cirne , worIreminisced? :â€Å" , goalie_l, , , , , Commodore PC? ,? 12? , , â€Å" Academically, Cirne was a high performer and set his sights on becoming the first from his extended family to go to college. He headed south to New Hampshire, where he attended Dartmouth and majored in computer science.All Dartmouth undergraduates were required to buy and use Apple Computers’ Macintosh PCs, and like many of them, Cirne became a fan of the Macintosh architecture. Each year, several graduates from the department went to work at Apple. One of those people was Jeff Cobb, who was a year ahead of Cirne and had served as a role model for him. After graduating in 1993, Cirne joined Apple, too. His first major project was developing one piece of the operating system for Apple’s Power Macintosh. He recalled: â€Å"That was the easiest project l’ve ever been able to explain to my mom.I was supposed to create the cursor for the Power Macintosh, make the cursor appear on the screen. I could tell her, ‘See that little thing moving around, Mom? I did that! † His next project was Copland, Apple's next-generation operating system. Copland was based on object-oriented technology, and Cirne was assigned to the team working on Copland’s object-oriented user interface. During this project, Cirne learned some technical truths that five years later would be part of the underpinning for the founding vision of his company. Cirne said: ,Cirne , Macintosh , ,Cirne Macintosh ,  · , Cirne, 1993 ,Cirne Power Macintosh :â€Å" L' , Power Macintosh, ,† ,! â€Å" , ,? Cirne ,Cirne ,5 , Cirne? : It was great to work with brilliant, technical people, learning from them how to solve tough technical problems.But even with the most brilliant technology team, no one could explain how the operati ng system as a Whole behaved. Each person knew their own little piece, but no one had the visibility to be able to see the big picture. Without adequate visibility, even the best systems are going to have problems. Part of the epiphany for me was, how can I make this complex, object-oriented software system visible, so we can see how the whole system will perform? I thought, there's an opportunity here to make the potential a reality. , , , , , , , , , , , Cirne loved the technical challenges and †the fact that people came to work excited every day,† but he felt restricted by the narrow specialization his role demanded in such a large company. In addition, he wanted to start building the skills he would need to play a central role in a start-up: †I wanted to learn how to be a founder or an early employee of a new company.I wanted to gain breadth, compared to my more focused role at Apple. † To do so, Cirne wanted to work for a smaller company for two years, after which he planned to leave to start his own company. That month, Cirne got a call from an executive recruiting firm that was trying to hire software engineers for Hummingbird Communications, a small public company. Cirne agreed to meet with Nick Gault, the vice president of corporate development at Hummingbird, who would be his boss there. Gault, who had engineering degrees from Stanford, had founded Common Ground Software.When he was 32 years old, Ga. it had sold his 30-person company to Humrningbird. Cirne said: Cirne â€Å" , , ,† , , , :â€Å" , , â€Å" ,Cirne , , , ,Cirne , , , â€Å" † Cirne ,  · ,? â€Å" †, , , 32 , , 30 Humrningbird? Cirne? : I met with Nick, and the job opportunity fit what I had in mind, between Hummingbirds size and Nick’s background.The company had just hit $100 million in revenues with 350 employees, and Nick would be a great mentor for me. He was a developer turned business-man, just like I wanted to be. I was ve ry up front with Nick, telling him, â€Å"You've had success at starting a company and selling it. I'd like to work for you and learn from you. † , , $100 350 , , , ,â€Å" , † Cirne joined Hummingbird as the lead engineer for its Macintosh product. Culturally, Cirne found Hummingbird quite different from Apple.Apple was a product-driven organization, Hummingbird was sales driven. Apple employees would talk about â€Å"shipping the product,† while Hummingbird employees would talk about †making our quarterly numbers. † Cirne â€Å" † Macintosh ,Cirne â€Å" † , â€Å", †,? â€Å" † â€Å" † Without informing Hummingbird’s headquarters, Gault created a â€Å"skunkworks† project to which he assigned Cirne, with the mandate to rewrite their viewer product in lava, an object-oriented language that was beginning to gain wide acceptance.As he started using the technology, Cirne became impressed. He came to b elieve that companies would start using Java to develop enterprise systems but that those companies would face the same problems Apple had faced in developing Copland: that it would be very hard to knit together all of the individual components into a coherent system that performed and scaled well. Cine said: â€Å" † , â€Å" † , Cirne, , , ,Cirne , Java , , : The more successful lava would be, the more the problems would abound for these companies. It was a belief that came from my personal experiences, both at Apple and at Hummingbird. As I was driving home through the mountains, on a curvy road on the way to Santa Cruz, 1 had a second epiphany: that if I could make the Iava prog. ram â€Å"self-diagnostic,† then I could help those companies solve that problem in a big way. I would solve the problem l had experienced myself. When it hit me, I almost drove off the road.When I got to Santa Cruz, I knew I'd start a company with this idea as a core foundational technology. , , , , , : IAVA prog. ramâ€Å" †, , , , During discussions with Gault, Cirne shared his vision of the potential opportunity he had perceived during his †epiphany,† and Gault helped Cirne understand how potential investors would view his venture, what types of people he should plan to hire to work with him, and a wide variety of other issues.By the time Cirne left Hummingbird, he was leading a team of half a dozen people, managing both the technical and managerial aspects of the effort to develop a ]ava version of Hurnrningbird’s viewer product. ,Cirne , â€Å" †? Gault Cirne , , , Cirne? , , , ] AVA Hurnrningbird Founding Wily

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Women's Place in Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Women's Place in Society - Essay Example The wife loses her original self in her attempt to come up to the expectations of the husband, yet the husband considers it her duty and thus, does not owe her a â€Å"thank you†. The tragedy is that this discrimination on the basis of genders is all man-built. God had created men and women equal to each other. In this paper, Grimke’s contentions about women that she mentioned in her letters have been explored. 1. For a lot of reasons, status of the woman in the society has been deemed similar to that of a slave. The document mentions several laws that guide upon the way a woman has to be dealt with in different circumstances. Presence or absence of her husband in the surroundings or his approval or disapproval of her actions makes a fundamental difference in the legal status of a woman’s actions. In this document by Sarah Grimke, woman has been considered as so weak as compared to the man that her self is considered to get merged into that of her husband after m arriage. Since marriage unites the two souls into one, man has been discouraged to offer anything to woman as a present because if he does so, it is thought of as an action to separate the woman from his own self. Even the law does not hold a man chargeable for anything that a wife asks him for except what is basic, though a man is free to waste his resources and money on gambling and fulfilling his lustful desires. A woman may not seek treatment if she gets injured until her husband approves of. Like a master pays for the injuries inflicted on a servant, a husband is responsible for the expenses incurred by a woman for her injuries. Even if she provides sufficient evidence that her husband made her do a certain crime, the woman is believed to have violated the eighth commandment. When she claims a bond with man, the two are considered one. In cases when the woman tends to get her separate self acknowledged, she is considered inferior to the man. Despite that, when found guilty of a crime, she is deemed liable for the punishment of the same level of severity as is inflicted upon the men in their case. 2. Human perception and remembrance of the difference between genders remain profound when a man and a woman interact with each other. Thus, the way a woman is approached by a man is a considerably blow to her dignity. Man favors woman to address her weaknesses, and once he earns her appreciation, he uses her for his own purposes. God has made man and woman equal. Therefore, in order to be best able to benefit from each other’s societies, it is imperative that man and woman interact with each other with no regard to sex. Women’s intellectual abilities have conventionally been underestimated by men and they have been used as domestic products. Women themselves are also partly responsible for this injustice since they have allowed men to treat them that way. By stepping into the society and socializing with people to do good to them and spread the mes sage of the Creator, women would only add to their purity and would be able to optimize on their intellectual abilities and oratory skills. Besides, woman assumes a very important role in the familial structure in that she is the manager of the house and the nurturer of the children that are the building blocks of the society. Concluding all that has been discussed above, women have been forced to live as slaves to men. Although they were born with the same level of intellectual ability as that of men, yet they were forbidden to explore their abilities by the men. Women’s low status in the society can be fundamentally attributed to their own submissiveness to the men. If women want to live on an equal footing with

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Assignment 8(675) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assignment 8(675) - Essay Example I need to analyze the effects that the historical framework of supervision has had on present-day instruction. Glanz, in his analysis of historical school supervision, has identified seven notions of supervision, namely: inspection, efficiency, democratic, scientific, leadership, clinical and changing concepts. His point on inspection clearly supported the top-down bureaucratic schooling systems and thus was sure to be extinct soon (Boise State University, 2008). Contrary to this hierarchical power structure, theorists of the twentieth century took a turn towards professionalism and progressivism. Schools by this time grew more complex due to urbanization and so the superintendents could not find the time to enter schools specifically for Glanz’s inspection role. This brought on the hiring of expert teachers or other supervisors. I believe this practice is still seen today where supervisors keep a certain level of check as to what and how teachers perform. The relationship is not necessarily positive, but can be recognized today (Boise State University, 2008). The bureaucratic hierarchy led to teachers and supervisors being felt vulnerable. This must have given birth to democratic models in the 1920s. The democratic model of supervision worked alongside efficiency and scientific trends. It was John Dewey’s endorsement that democratic and scientific practices could co-exist and that the former was distinct from Glanz’s social efficiency model. This led to supervisors becoming instructors for teachers. Being in the schooling field, I myself have witnessed this in many cases. This theory proved to be an evolution to supervision due to the evening out of authority and democracy and hence bringing positivity in the teacher-supervisor relationship (Boise State University, 2008). Clinical supervision emerged in the 1970s after tensions among the scientific, democratic and efficiency practices arose. The proposition of clinical

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Diversity in the United States Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Diversity in the United States - Term Paper Example Diversity in the United States I had always known about the settlers from Europe and their conflict with the Native Indians in the early days, but I had not realized just how many different national origins have made up the people of the modern United States. Looking at modern American culture, with such different styles as Hollywood films, rappers, classical orchestras and all kinds of local folk, country and rock music it is obvious that a creative mixture is going on. Learning about the different groups, such as Africans, British, Italians, Spanish, Japanese, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans etc, has opened my eyes to the rich cultural history that we all share. When I see this big range of cultures, this helps me to understand that immigration is a permanent and healthy tradition that America needs to manage well. People want to come here, because it is a great country to live in, but at the same time, we need to find ways to accept each other and get along peacefully together. My own background already combines two ve ry different cultures, since my parents are from the Philippines and Jordan. I grew up in a Muslim country, with a Muslim father and Christian mother. I can see that there are many differences between these two major religions, but what I have learned is that both of them have a belief in God, and both of them deserve our respect. I have seen how Muslims looked down on Christians (in Jordan) and Christians looked down on Muslims (in the United States) and this shows me that people are influenced by their own place of birth, rather than by any particular logic. I think my mother must have endured quite a lot of hardship to be married to my father and I think it took great courage for her to bring me to the United States and start a new life in a new country. She has been able to find a job, and I have been able to learn English, because this country welcomed us at a time when we needed a safe place to go to. Seeing this against the background of America’s history of diversity makes me very proud to have joined the many thousands who have brought their own culture into this country. I think that in the next thirty years or so there will be more immigrants to the US, including some from China, because of the attraction of the lifestyle and the freedom to think and speak what you want to. I hope that there will be a better agreement about immigrants from Mexico and the South American countries, because I believe that this has the potential to cause some tensions if it is not regulated properly. One big change that I see coming in the next thirty years is that there will be more people like myself who have a mixed heritage of more than one culture. Hispanic and Asian populations are growing faster, and so the proportion of these groups is likely to rise (Census Bureau, 2011). I think this is a good thing, and it will make people generally more tolerant. This is because second and third generation immigrants tend to marry outside of the narrow culture of thei r parents, and this will bring about more mixing of cultures, and more children who have the benefit of seeing things through different perspectives. A big challenge that the U.S. faces is the fact that different cultures have strong views about some issues, such as

Monday, August 26, 2019

Dietary analysis project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dietary analysis project - Assignment Example For example, an oz equivalent of Grains is a 1 slice of bread, or 1/2 cup of rice. An oz equivalent of Protein Foods 1 oz of meat, 1 egg, or 1/4 cup cooked beans. According to the BMI report as provided, I have a BMI of 19.1. This is an implication that my body weight is normal and hence I should strive to maintain the weight by eating a balanced diet and engaging in physical activities. According to the calorie assessment report, I need to intake 2031 calories in order to maintain my current weight. However, my current intake is below the goal. My current average calorie intake is 1065. This implies that I am bound to lose more weight if I maintain my current eating patterns (Veitch 87). There are nutrients that are still deficient and others in excess in the revised diet. The significant nutrients that are still deficient in the revised diet are Calories from saturated Fat and dietary fiber. Perhaps I was unable to get dietary fiber because I did not include foods rich in fiber. In addition, the foods that I included in the revised diet were not fatty and hence the deficiency of fat as noted in the revised diet. On the contrary, the revised diet also had some nutrients in excess. These included proteins, Vitamin B3 - Niacin (mg), Vitamin B12 (mcg), Phosphorus (mg), Vitamin C and Zinc. These statistics came about as a result of the meat, chicken and turkey sausages that I included in the revised diet as having been taking in only one day. Their quantities also contributed to the excess levels of proteins as noted in the bar graph report for the revised diet. As noted in the bar graph report for my diet on that day, I am a poor observant of a balanced diet and for this reason I need to implement corrective measures in order to improve my eating patterns and food types (Veitch 46). It is through this that I will be in a position to not only stay healthy but also maintain my body weight as recommended from the BMI report. As a result, I will take certain

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Marketing 3000 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing 3000 - Essay Example I have observed that generally, consumers are very price sensitive, especially during times of financial and economic crises. The most effective strategy that works to generate sales, repeated product purchase, and gain consistent patronage is if organizations implement a low price, yet high quality strategy. For basic necessities of homogeneous products (like soap, detergents, bread, coffee, milk, eggs), consumers with low purchasing power would opt to select those with the lowest costs. In supermarkets, therefore, organizations that aim to generate more volume in terms of revenues apply the least cost strategy. For example, the single-served coffee is gaining popularity in contemporary times. This market has been dominated by Nescafe where a 12-pack Taster’s Choice House Blend Instant Coffee costs $12.16. To enable to enter this market, Starbucks, which is known for its specialty coffee, previously served only in its respective coffee stores, have launched their single served Via in 12-pack pouches runs $9.95. When I learned of this move, of course, as a customer who perceived Starbucks as a projecting an image of high-priced, high quality coffee, definitely purchased Via, which as even lower in price than Nescafe’s Taster’s Choice. In another experience, the Cola wars between Coke and Pepsi had also undergone some price wars in the past. I remember being a Coke enthusiast ever since I can remember being allowed to drink carbonated drinks. Pegged almost at the same price, Coke and Pepsi have decided not to implement any price war because the strategy would be detrimental to both. However, there was a time when Pepsi came up with a new promotional strategy that enticed consumers to win cash prices by collecting specially printed Pepsi crowns. This promotion led to shifts in consumers’ purchases from Coke to Pepsi, despite the same price due to the offer of hopes to possibly win something big. When things like

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Corporate finance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Corporate finance - Assignment Example Stock market index is considered as one of the important economic indicators for the government to watch and formulate its economic policies and strategies to appropriately deal with the economic situation in a country. The benefits of capital markets in a country are multifarious. The capital markets play an important role in capital formation of the country which is essential for the governments’ plans with regard to investment in various sectors of the economy for a balanced economic growth. The governments are not in a position to effectively intervene in the economic process of the nations due to ever-increasing proportion of non-plan expenditure in the budgets. Government spending is very important for generating employment when there is slowdown in economy, to prevent recession. Therefore, the diminishing proportion of funds allocated to plan expenditure by the government should be compensated by private investment through stock markets for maintaining the pace of economic growth. Due to inefficiency of the public sector undertakings and their poor contribution to the economic development in spite of heavy investments made in these undertakings in countries like China and India there has been perceptible shift in policy making by the governments. Most of the public sector undertakings have been privatized by selling their shares in the open market by listing these companies in the stock exchanges by these governments. It has also been noticed that these undertakings’ performances have increased significantly after privatization. These companies are now competing with private companies and are able to mobilize funds for their expansion through the stock markets. This has reduced the financial burden of the respective governments considerably. The stock markets play a crucial role in developing the savings habit of the people. The stock markets are responsible to a considerable extent for entrepreneurial development

Friday, August 23, 2019

Firework by katy perry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Firework by katy perry - Essay Example The song Firework was written by Katy Perry, Ester Dean, Sandy Wilhelm, Tor Hermansen, and Mikkel Eriksen. While this is the case, the song is always assumed to have been written by Katy Perry. The song recorded by Katy Perry was meant to inspire people, especially the youth, to overcome their insecurities and fears (Gundersen par. 5). Perry reminds her audience that within them is a spark that can ignite them and make them shine ( par. 5). Perry’s personal experiences greatly relate to the song having been brought up in a Christian family. Her mother restricted her from listening to or even singing secular music. She was brought up in an environment that only encouraged gospel music, which in her view was quite restrictive. Perry made several attempts to produce albums that would drive her to fame in vain. She however did not give up, instead choosing to ignite her fireworks until she became famous. Later in life she threw her restrictions and fears to the wind an d has been a great success in the secular music realm, both locally and internationally. She is internationally celebrated as a renowned actress, song writer, and recording artist with many awards to her name. Perry reflects social ideas in that she seeks to empower people to live beyond their common fears and shine. While the song does not respond to a historical movement, it represents the current state of affairs in society – many people struggling with various issues that limit their potential. The audience should know that Perry has struggled to become a success story. The target audience of the text includes all people, the youth especially, who feel like giving up their dreams. The target audience of the text is captured by the words â€Å"Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin; Like a house of cards, one blow from caving in?† ( par. 1). The text in this regards excludes the audience of people who are feeling good or who

Thursday, August 22, 2019

B202 Accounting & Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

B202 Accounting & Finance - Essay Example While analyzing the company financials certain parameters were kept in mind. The analysis is conducted in two segments .The first segment would focus on the comparison of financial ratios of the company among different periods. The later segment would be of the comparison of company financials vis a vis the ratios of the respective industry. The ratios those would take part in this analysis are briefly portrayed below. While calculating for the above ratios ‘revenue figures’ represents ‘sales’.Net profit margin ignores the profit those are paid out to its debt investors as interest and because of it, this ratio is not so effective while comparing between firms having different capital structures . The liquidity ratios come next. It’s very much important for a firm to keep a certain level of liquidity in its portfolio, so that if needed it can lay its hand on the liquid assets. These ratios may change rapidly as its components i.e. both the short terms assets and liabilities can get easily changed over time periods. Current assets consist of cash and other assets which can be turned into cash within very short period of time. Firm’s current liabilities consist of payments which is payable in near future. Thus current ratio tells us how much current assets is available to cover up the current liabilities. Some assets are closer to cash more than other assets. In difficult times, these more liquid assets can be used to repay the current liabilities. These kinds of assets mainly consist of cash and cash equivalents, short term securities and receivables from customers. Thus quick ratio is measured as The table below takes care of the liquidiy ratios. Though the current ratios had dropped by a certain amount in 2006 but thereafter the company has taken care of the same. This is very much visible by the stable growth in current ratio from

ICT Sample Work Welcome Centre Requirements Essay Example for Free

ICT Sample Work Welcome Centre Requirements Essay CLM (Christian Life Ministries) is a church based in Coventry City Centre. Being a registered charity, they wanted to look at ways in which they could raise money to help finance its various activities, many of which benefit the local and international community. In 2000, The Welcome Centre was launched, in which a team of people started using the building venue to provide a catering and hospitality service to paying customers, who were looking for somewhere where they could hold conferences and events, hire equipment and to have food served. The customers who pay to use the services of the Welcome Centre are either commercial customers, such as Coventry City Council, local schools or colleges, or other charity-based organisations. Charities would be able to use the facilities at a discounted rate compared to commercial customers. Customers hire the services of The Welcome Centre for many different types of events, from large conferences to training days and small meetings. The Welcome Centre has up to 4 rooms that can be hired (Grace Room, Grace Room 1, The Elegance Suite, The Serenity Suite), and each room has a capacity between 20 and 250 people. As well as hiring a room, customers have the option of hiring additional equipment, such as a data projector, video projector, OHP, PA equipment and Flip Charts. The price for hiring equipment is on a 1/2 day basis. An event may want a variety of catering options too. The Welcome Centre can provide beverages (e.g. tea, coffee, cold drinks), as well as various food options (Finger Buffet, Finger Buffet with Dessert, Hot Buffet with Dessert). Since opening, the success of the organisation has grown rapidly. This is due to the friendliness of the staff, as well as the level of service offered. As a result, the team has grown from 2 to 7 people. They are looking to expand, and with a future building project underway too, they hope to be able to offer even larger facilities for up to 650 people, as well as to grow their existing customer base. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION As the business is growing, the staff are getting increasingly busier. One of the key problems is that a manual booking system is used. A customer will call or email with a request for a conference. The staff will write down some basic details about the event such as the contacts name, event name and date and time of the conference. They will also ask the customer for the number of delegates, and therefore determine the number and size of rooms required. Catering requirements for food and beverages, as well as the hire of equipment will also be recorded. This information will all be recorded in a central paper-based diary, which can often become messy as customers sometimes phone to cancel or amend their booking, meaning that the handwriting can become unreadable. This could then lead to mistakes being made such as double-bookings, or not getting everyones requirements correct for a conference. Chris Ruck, one of the team, will sometimes word process the quotation onto a basic blank template produced in Word Processing software (MS Word). After creating the quotation, he will then save it onto his computer. He will sometimes do the same for invoices. The problem with this is that the same information is being entered up to three times; once in the diary, secondly on the quotation, and thirdly onto an invoice. Duplicating the information sometimes leads to small typing mistakes appearing on the documents. Also, it wastes Chris valuable time that could be used for other tasks, such as preparing rooms for conferences. Invoicing is a very important task for The Welcome Centre, as it is the way it requests payment from a customer once a conference has taken place. Tony will often to have to create 20 to 30 invoices at a time. Unfortunately, Tony Williams has very limited experience with computers. If Chris is not available and invoices have to be sent out, Tony will have to write out an invoice by hand into a blank template. This is very time consuming for him, and as the General Manager, he has many more important jobs that he could be doing. Also, handwritten invoices do not look very professional, and so these really should be created and printed from a computer to give a better corporate image. Tony sometimes has to handwrite quotations too for the same reasons. Scope The scope for this task is to find a way of entering booking details for conferences, and to create a quotation for that conference. Creating invoices will not be included in this task. Also, to simplify the task, we will focus on commercial customers only and not charity customers, as the prices are all different. DETAILS OF CLIENT, USER(S) AND AUDIENCE (IF APPLICABLE) IDENTIFICATION OF THE CLIENT The client for this project is Tony Williams, who is the General Manager of the Welcome Centre. Tonys role includes creating the rota of when his team are working, taking booking details from customers for future conferences and negotiating prices if applicable. Tony is also involved in creating quotations for a conference booking to inform the customer how much it will cost. He may also create invoices for a conference that has taken place to request payment. He will also need to keep track of payments for conferences by customers, and chase any outstanding payments. He is also very hands-on in his role, and he will support his staff with serving and room set-up when required. The solution for this task will need to meet Tonys requirements. IDENTIFICATION OF THE USER(S) The users of this solution will be the Tony Williams (the client), as well as Anita Fox and Chris Ruck. Anita and Chris are also responsible for entering details of customer bookings into the diary, and producing quotations and invoices for them. Therefore, they will actively use the solution by changing the customer and booking inputs and sending the quotation that is produced (output) to the customer. Anita also takes care of the accounts and organises the monthly payroll for the employees. IDENTIFICATION OF ANY AUDIENCE The Audience is anyone who may look at the outputs, but not change the content of the solution. The majority of this solution will be used by The Welcome Centre staff, and therefore these people will be users and not an audience. However, Quotations will be viewed by Customers as these are the target audience of this document. ASSESSMENT OF SKILLS OF USER(S) Tony will use the solution, but has very limited ICT skills. He is a complete novice at using computers. He will need introductory training that includes: * Logging in to the network * File Management (files and folders creating, renaming, moving, copying) * Word Processing (Use of word documents, file management opening/ saving, formatting) * Spreadsheets (Use of spreadsheets, file management opening/ saving, formatting, working with multiple worksheets) * Using the solution that is created Anita will also use the solution and is an intermediate user. She can login, organise files and folders, word process, use basic features of spreadsheet software, use a web browser to surf the internet, and can also use her accounts package. She will need training that includes: * Spreadsheets (Advanced course including the recording, use and management of macros, using formulae and functions) * Using the solution that is created Chris is more of an advanced user, and can do all of the above to a more complex level, as well as use graphics and multi-media packages for design work. He will need training that includes: * Spreadsheets (Advanced course including the recording, use and management of macros, using formulae and functions) * Using the solution that is created CLIENT INTERVIEW An initial interview was held with Tony Williams, and the following is a summary of what he said: 1. What is The Welcome Centre and can you give me some background information to the organisation? The Welcome Centre was launched in 2000, as a conference centre for commercial and charitable customers, offering them a hospitality service. The service includes room hire, equipment hire as well a catering options. Customers use the services provided by the Welcome Centre for various reasons from large conferences, to small meetings and training days. 2. Who are the staff at the Welcome Centre and what do they do? Tony Williams is the General Manager, whose role includes creating the rota of when his team are working, taking booking details from customers for future conferences and negotiating prices if applicable. Tony is also involved in creating quotations and invoices by hand. He also keeps track of payments for conferences by customers, and chases any outstanding payments. He is also very hands-on in his role, and he will support his staff with serving and room set-up when required. There are several other employees. Chris Ruck is the Assistant Manager of the complex, who takes bookings, sets up for conferences, and also types up quotations and invoices. He looks after the technical requirements of a conference such as IT needs and P.A. equipment. Anita Fax is the Administrator, who has responsibility for accounts and organising the monthly payroll for the employees. There are also 4 other part time staff, including a cleaner as well as conference assistants. 3. What are the problems that ICT could help to solve? One of the key problems is that a manual booking system is used, whereby booking information is recorded in a paper-based diary. The information is therefore not easily sharable and handwriting will become messy as bookings are amended or cancelled. Also, quotations and invoices are either typed into a blank template document or hand-written. This leads to a duplication of the booking information resulting in mistakes, as well as being time consuming. Hand written documents are not very professional. 4. What do you want the ICT solution to do? Tony would like the new solution to provide easy to use data entry forms for entering details about each conference. He would like a quotation to be produced immediately based upon the booking information that is entered. He would also like the quotation and booking information to be stored for future use, so that someone can view the information easily. 5. Who will use the solution and what ICT skills do they have? Tony will use the solution, but has very limited ICT skills. He is a complete novice at using computers. Anita will also use the solution and is an intermediate user. She can login, organise files and folders, word process, use basic features of spreadsheet software, use a web browser to surf the internet, and can also use her accounts package. Chris is more of an advanced user, and can do all of the above to a more complex level, as well as use graphics and multi-media packages for design work. 6. What hardware and software do you have at The Welcome Centre? In terms of hardware, The Welcome Centre has only just installed a network. Chris and Anita have their own PCs with access to the Network for file sharing. Laptops used for conferences are wireless enabled so that they can access the internet from any room if required. Each computer has Windows XP installed as the operating system, as have the Microsoft Office software suite package, that includes word-processing, spreadsheet, database, web browser, presentation and other software. 7. What data needs to be input into the solution? How? Customer Information: (Company name and address, contact details for event organiser) Event Details: (Event name, date, start finishing time, no. of delegates, room requirements, equipment to be hired, and catering requirements for beverages and food.) General Info.: (Catering items and prices, Equipment items for hire and 1/2 day charges, Room info. capacity, Full Day and 1/2 Day charges, and a VAT rate, in case legislation changes) 8. What processing (e.g. calculations, searches etc) need to be done? * Generate a unique 5 digit quotation no. * Calculate todays date automatically during the booking for the Quotation date * On different forms automatically look-up and display details previously entered, without having to re-enter * Calculate the Event Type (Full Day or 1/2 Day), based on the times entered. Used for pricing purposes. * For each room selected as part of the booking, search for and display the Capacity and the Unit Room Cost. The Unit Room Cost will be based on the Event Type for that room. * Calculate and display Total Room Costs for all rooms booked * For each item of equipment required for the booking, search for and display the Unit Equipment Cost. If the event type is a full day, then double the price. Calculate and display the Total Equipment Costs by multiplying the Unit Equipment Cost by the Quantity required. * Calculate and display the Total Cost of all Equipment * If beverages are required for the booking, search for and display the Price per Delegate for Beverages. Calculate Beverage Costs per Delegate by multiplying this price by the No. of Servings. Calculate the Total Beverage Costs as Beverage Costs per Delegate multiplied by No. of Delegates. * If food is required, search for and display the Price per Delegate for the food option. Calculate and display the Total Food Costs by multiplying the Food Costs per Delegate by the No. of Delegates. * Calculate the Net Quotation amount (the total amount of all the items booked, excluding VAT) * Look up the current VAT rate and calculate the VAT Amount for the quotation. * Calculate the Gross Quotation Amount * Save and store the event and quotation details 9. What output(s) is needed from the solution. The main output of the solution will be a quotation which is initially displayed on the screen, with an option to print a hard copy available. 10. What data needs to be stored? Customer Information: (Company name and address, contact details for event organiser) Event Details: (Event name, date, start finishing time, no. of delegates, total room costs, total equipment costs, total beverage costs, total food costs, Net Amount, VAT Amount, Gross Amount) Store in a table that can be easily viewed. CLIENT REQUIREMENTS After interviewing Tony, and focussing on the problems that he currently faces with creating quotations, we agreed upon the requirements that the new solution must meet. The new solution must: * Provide data entry forms for entering details about bookings. These forms must allow entry of Customer details and the Event details * Provide an additional data entry form to enter general information, including catering items and prices, equipment items for hire and 1/2 day charges, and room charges for full and 1/2 day. Allow the VAT rate to be changeable, in case legislation changes. * Ensure each data entry form is easy to use, complete with data validation and a graphical user interface to minimise data entry mistakes and reduce typing. * All data entry screens must show the Welcome Centre logo, and follow the house style of the organisation in terms of using a red and white colour scheme. * Search for and display information entered automatically, so that the user does not have to keep flicking between different screens to remind themselves of prices or what they have previously entered. * Automatically calculate certain fields to save time and to reduce data input. These fields are: o Generate a unique 5 digit quotation no. o Quotation date o Event Type (Full Day or 1/2 Day), based on the times entered. Used for pricing purposes. o For each room selected as part of the booking, search for and display the Capacity and the Unit Room Cost. The Unit Room Cost will be based on the Event Type for that room. o Total Room Costs for all rooms booked o For each item of equipment required for the booking, search for and display the Unit Equipment Cost. If the event type is a full day, then double the price. Calculate and display the Total Equipment Costs by multiplying the Unit Equipment Cost by the Quantity required. o The Total Cost of all Equipment required forth booking. o Beverage Costs Per Delegate o Total Beverage Costs o Food Costs per Delegate o Total Food Costs o The Net Amount, VAT Amount and Gross Amount on the Quotation. * On different data entry forms, automatically look-up and display details previously entered, without having to re-enter * Ensure all booking information should only be entered once, and the quotation must be produced immediately based upon the booking information being entered, * Produce a Quotation that is professionally formatted, and looks very similar to the quotations he uses today. It must be displayed on the screen with an option to print a hard-copy. * Store the quotation and booking information for future use, in a table format that is easy to read. * Be easy to back-up, and must also be secure, so only authorised users can access the solution. WHAT THE SOLUTION HAS TO PRODUCE The solution must produce a quotation based upon the customer and booking information that is entered. The quotation must be professionally formatted, and look very similar to the quotations he uses today. It must be displayed on the screen with an option to print a hard-copy. The solution must also store a copy of the quotation and booking information, in a table format that is easy to read. HOW THE SOLUTION IS TO WORK From these requirements, I can see that spreadsheet software would be an appropriate design tool to use to implement the solution. The worksheets can be formatted to give the appearance of data entry screens, and you can use validation techniques and a limited graphical user interface to reduce keying and ultimately mistakes. Also, a worksheet can be formatted to look like a Quotation, and a table could be set up to store details for future use. Macros can also be used to automate features of the solution such as navigation and copying data to the storage table. INPUT, PROCESSING AND OUTPUT REQUIREMENTS INPUT REQUIREMENTS CUSTOMER DETAILS Fields to be input: Title, First Name, Surname, Email Address, Telephone No., Company Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Town, County, Postcode * Source of Data: From customers, either face-to-face, email, or telephone * Input Method: Typed using keyboard * Type/ Format of Data: All Text fields EVENT DETAILS Fields to be input: Event Name, Event Date, Start Time, End Time, No. of Delegates, Grace Room Required?, Grace Room 1 Required?, Elegance Suite Required?, Serenity Suite Required? Video Projector Screen Qty, Data Projector Screen Qty, Flip Chart Qty, OHP Qty, PA Equipment Qty, Beverage Required?, No. of Servings, Food Option * Source of Data: From customers, either face-to-face, email, or telephone * Input Method: Typed using keyboard * Type/ Format of Data: Dates will be short dates, Room requirements will be tick boxes, No. of Delegates, No. of Servings and Qty fields will be numbers, food option will be a drop down box GENERAL INFORMATION Catering Table. Fields to be input: Food Price per Delegate Equipment Table Fields to be input: Equipment Price per 1/2 Day Room Table Fields to be input: Max. Capacity, Full Day Commercial Rate, 1/2 Day Commercial Rate VAT Table Fields to be input: VAT Rate % * Source of Data: The Welcome Centre, Government (for VAT Rates) * Input Method: Typed using keyboard * Type/ Format of Data: All rates and prices will be currency fields, Max. Capacity will be numerical and VAT Rate % will be a percentage field. PROCESSING REQUIREMENTS Process Details Calculate unique 5 digit Quotation No. Quotation No. = (Look up highest quotation no. in quotation table) + 1 Calculate Quotation Date Quotation Date = Todays date On different forms, automatically look-up and display details previously entered, without having to re-enter Lookup the following customer fields and redisplay on New Event data entry form: Quotation Id, Title, First Name, Surname, Company Name Event Type If (End Time Start Time) 3 hours Then Event Type = Half Day Else Event type = Full Day Look-up and display Capacity and Unit Room Cost for each room required for the booking Show Capacity: Lookup and show the Max. Capacity from the Rooms Table Show Unit Room Cost: Lookup and show the Commercial Rate for the room from the Rooms Table, depending on the Event Type (1/2 Day or Full Day price) Calculate Total Room Costs Total Room Costs = Add up the Unit Room Cost for each room selected for the booking Calculate Unit Equipment Cost for each item of equipment required for the booking Unit Equipment Cost = Lookup and show the Price per 1/2 Day for item, from the Equipment Table. If the Event Type is Full Day, then double the figure shown. Calculate Total Equipment Costs for each item of equipment required for the booking Total Equipment Costs = Unit Equipment Cost *Qty Calculate Total Cost of all Equipment Total Cost of all Equipment = Add up the Total Equipment Costs for each item of equipment selected for the booking. Calculate Beverage Costs per Delegate Beverage Costs per Delegate = (Price per Delegate for Beverages from the Catering Table) * No. of Servings Calculate Total Beverage Costs Total Beverage Costs = Beverage Costs per Delegate * No. of Delegates Calculate Food Costs per Delegate Food Costs per Delegate = Price per Delegate for Food selected, from the Catering Table Calculate Total Food Costs Total Food Costs = Food Costs per Delegate * No. of Delegates VAT Rate VAT Rate = Search for current VAT Rate from VAT table Net Total Net Total = Total Venue Cost + Total Equipment Cost + Total Beverages Cost + Total Food Cost VAT Amount VAT Amount = VAT Rate * Net Total Gross Total Gross Total = Net Total + VAT Amount Save and store the event and quotation details Copy Customer fields to Quotation Table: (Quotation Id, Quotation Date, Title, First Name, Surname, Email Address, Telephone No., Company Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Town, County, Postcode) Copy Event fields to Quotation Table: (Event Name, Event Date, Start Time, End Time, No. of Delegates, Total Room Costs, Total Equipment Costs, Total Beverage Costs, Total Food Costs, Net Amount, VAT Amount, Gross Amount) OUTPUT REQUIREMENTS QUOTATION The main output of the solution will be a quotation which is initially displayed on the screen, with an option to print a hard copy available. The quotation will be used by both the Welcome Centre and Customers. The Welcome Centre staff will use it to know what they will charge Customers for a particular booking, and it will therefore serve as the basis of the invoice. Customers will use it to know how much they are likely to pay for an event if nothing changes on the day. Details: The quotation must print on A4 paper, landscaped, and display the Welcome Centre logo, company registration no., registered office and contact details, VAT registration no., and VAT rate. Towards the bottom, it must clearly state: Please make cheques payable to C.L.M. Enterprises Ltd. The following fields must be shown on the Quotation: ADDRESS BLOCK: Title, First Name, Surname, Company Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Town, County, Postcode EVENT DETAILS: Quotation No., Quotation Date, Event Name, Event Date, Start Time, End Time, No. of Delegates BOOKING DETAILS: Room names, Qty Required, Unit Cost, Subtotal Equipment, Qty Required, Unit Cost, Subtotal Beverages, No. of Delegates, Price per Delegate, Subtotal Food Option, No. of Delegates, Price per Delegate, Subtotal TOTALS: Net Total, VAT Amount, Gross Total STORAGE REQUIREMENTS The following Data needs to be stored in a single table: CUSTOMER DETAILS: Quotation No., Quotation Date, Title, First Name, Surname, Email Address, Telephone No., Company Name, Address Line 1, Address Line 2, Town, County, Postcode EVENT DETAILS: Event Name, Event Date, Start Time, End Time, No. of Delegates, Total Room Costs, Total Equipment Costs, Total Beverage Costs, Total Food Costs, Net Amount, VAT Amount, Gross Amount The data can be kept for up to 2 years before being archived. HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIRMENTS FOR THE USER HARDWARE The Welcome Centre has a variety of different hardware available to be used. They have only just installed a network, which has been set-up complete with user accounts and passwords, shared folders, as well as private folders for individual users. The Welcome Centre should save the solution onto the network, as this will certainly meet the requirement of being able to keep the solution secure. The network is also backed up on a daily basis, onto a removable hard disk drive. This is removed from the premises every night, in case of fire. This will meet the requirement of being able to back-up the solution. Tony currently does not have a PC, but has access to a laptop if needed. Chris and Anita have their own PCs with access to the Network for file sharing and saving work. Laptops used for conferences are wireless enabled so that they can access the internet from any room if required. Each PC and laptop has its own DVD re-writer, which can read both CD and DVD media. They also have plenty of USB ports, and so can also use portable devices such as pen drives. In terms of printers, Anita has a dedicated multi-function printer attached locally to her PC. The printer is both an A4 Flatbed scanner (input device), as well as a colour Ink Jet printer (output device). Anita uses this machine for most of her small printing needs. However, all PCs and laptops have access to a networked, colour photocopier (output device). The photocopier serves both as a printer and a photocopier, and can print in both back and white and full colour. All PCs have keyboard and mice as their main input devices. SOFTWARE In terms of software available to be used, each computer has Windows XP installed as the operating system, and has have the Microsoft Office software suite that includes word-processing, spreadsheet, database, web browser, presentation and other software. This applications software is generic software, and is used by the Welcome Centre staff for a variety of business uses. Anita does have some specific software, which is an accounting package called Sage. This is used to manage all accounts as well as to process the employees payroll. HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIRMENTS FOR THE DEVELOPER HARDWARE It makes sense for the solution to be developed on a standard PC, so that it imitates the environment in which the solution will be used. The processing power required to run the solution would be minimal, and so either a stand-alone PC/ laptop could be used to develop the solution or a networked PC. The PC must, however, have a monitor, mouse and keyboard. SOFTWARE The solution will be created in spreadsheet software called MS Excel. This software is generic software and can be used to effectively solve this problem. The users also have a good amount of experience in using the software, and so wont need a lot of additional training. Also, Excel is already installed on the end-users computers, and so there would be no further cost of buying more software. This spreadsheet software would be an appropriate design tool to use to implement the solution. The worksheets can be formatted to give the appearance of data entry screens, and you can use validation techniques and a limited graphical user interface to reduce keying and ultimately mistakes. Also, a worksheet can be formatted to look like a Quotation, and a table could be set up to store details for future use. Macros can also be used to automate features of the solution such as navigation and copying data to the storage table. This approach of using a software suite is more expensive than buying an integrated package. A software suite provides more functionality than an integrated package, such as being able to record macros and other more advanced features that may be needed to create the solution. Looking for a specific package isnt relevant in this case, as the requirements are too simple, but also very specialised. Therefore buying a specific package off the shelf would be an additional expense that the company doesnt really need.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Monolingual and bilingual childre

Monolingual and bilingual childre Developmental differences between monolingual and bilingual children The first language acquisition of infants is an astonishing and remarkable phenomenon on its own. It is unbelievable what knowledge these children can acquire in such a short period. There are certain cases, however, when these infants were born into bilingual families: that is, families where parents speak different languages. Bilingual children, thus, are the ones who need to acquire two languages simultaneously, studying both their mothers and their fathers mother tongues. This research aims to discover what developmental differences there are between monolingual and bilingual infants (if there are any) and what difficulties children have acquiring two different languages at the same time. The first major difference between the two sides (apart from the amount of information they have to obtain) lays on the systemization of knowledge. Monolingual infants need to treat the sounds and expressions they hear as part of one united system. In contrast, bilingual infants need not only create a system between the things they are hearing and what they refer to, but they even need to separate and pigeonhole them into two different language systems. This is called Language Discrimination and is a common phenomenon for all bilinguals. Although in bilingual families, language teaching usually occurs in a one-person-one-language context (that is, each parent represents one language only in front of the child), there are several situations when a neutral (previously unknown) person is talking to the infant. This can be the most difficult for the child, as they need to find the proper communicational channel without the familiar face, sound etc. of the parents, which they usually connect the given language to. This can be said to be the first major difference between bilingual and monolingual infants. Not only need bilinguals learn twice as many words and structures as one-language children do, they also need to separate the inputs into two different systems. There is another difficulty, with which monolinguals do not need to deal and that is Code Mixing. Code Mixing is the use of elements (phonological, lexical, morphosyntactic) from two languages in the same utterance or stretch of conversation. It can occur within an utterance (intra-utterance mixing-e.g., see cheval [horse]) or between utterances (inter-utterance mixing) (Genesee Nicoladis, 2007). This phenomenon is prevalent and typical for bilinguals, not only while they are children, but also among grown-ups. In case of infants, code-mixing can usually appear in the form of gap-filling. This means that, while they are speaking in one of their native languages, they substitute certain words or phrases from the other language of theirs. This can be the result of incomplete language knowledge; but it can also derive from the fact that a given word does not come to the childs mind and they substitute it for avoiding communicational breakdown. Code-mixing is based on the context-sensitivity of children; this means that depending on whom they are talking to they use one of their languages as dominant and only borrow inputs from the other system. (This can depend on which parent they are speaking with, for instance.) Since monolingual children have no other systems from which they can borrow resources, this phenomenon is not known for them; thus, only bilinguals face them. The appearance of the first words is at about the same age by mono- and bilingual children alike. They occur at the age of 12 or 13 months. Further vocabulary acquisition (first nouns, verbs, expressions etc.) also come more or less at the same time. However, there is a major difference between the two groups. When monolingual children learn a new word or expression, they connect it to a new referent. As opposed to this, bilingual children have more than one word for everything, thus, the new name does not necessarily comes with a new referent for them. As a result, bilinguals total vocabulary size (total number of words) is different from their total conceptual vocabulary (the total number of nameable concepts). It remains unclear which of these measures is most comparable to simple vocabulary size measured in monolingual infants. (Werker Byers-Heinlein, 2008) This way or another, this is the reason why it is so difficult to contrast their vocabulary and word learning process. Apart from the previously mentioned aspects, we need to cover two more important areas and these are childrens communicative competence and learning flexibility. There are certain problems which are relevant to monolingual and bilingual children equally: production of target-like language forms that are comprehensible to others; getting ones meaning across when language acquisition is incomplete; and use of language in socially appropriate ways (Genesee Nicoladis, 2007). Nevertheless, bilinguals also have to cope with the difficulties of conjugating a given situation with one of their languages, raising further hardships for them. As for learning flexibility, one would assume that bilinguals learn much slower as they need to achieve more language knowledge during the same time. However, research by à gnes Melinda Kovà ¡cs and Jacques Mehler (2009) proved that [t]welve-month-old preverbal bilingual infants [] seem to be more flexible learners of multiple structural regularities than monolinguals. Therefore, the fact that they will later speak two native languages comes with a further advantage that they are (more) able to study two different things simultaneously. Altogether, we can see that beside the similarities, monolingual and bilingual children have several differences, as well. The acquisition of two languages comes along with further difficulties apart from the amount of knowledge they need to achieve such as categorisation hardships, code-mixing and so on. Nevertheless, the process of acquiring two languages needs approximately the same amount of time as learning only one first language. First words and first expressions all appear at about the same age by both groups. In addition to these, beside the later advantages of knowing two languages, the developed learning flexibility of bilinguals will help these children in their later studies as well. References: Genesee, F., Nicoladis, E. (2007). Bilingual first language acquisition. In E. Hoff M. Shatz (Eds.), Handbook of Language Development (pp. 324-342). Oxford, England: Blackwell. Kovacs, à . M., Mehler, J. (2009). Flexible Learning of Multiple Speech Structures in Bilingual Infants. Science, 325. doi:10.1126/science.1173947 Werker, J. F., Byers-Heinlein, K. (2008). Bilingualism in infancy: First steps in perception and comprehension [Electronic version]. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 12(4), 144-151.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Broadband Access Wired Mediums

Broadband Access Wired Mediums Broadband Access High speed internet access is also called as Broadband. With the help of broadband access we can send large amount data at a same time through a medium. It’s also called as â€Å"Broad Bandwidth† connection. Bandwidth can be defined as the amount of data transmitted or in other word it can be defined as the width of the connection. Bandwidth can be expressed in bits per second that is the amount of bit of data that can flow through a line. But nowadays the bandwidth speed has changed that’s from bps to Kbps to Mbps and now in Gbps. We have two type of medium through which we can get broadband access one is â€Å"Wired Medium† and the other is â€Å"Wireless Medium†. Wired Medium There are many wired mediums through which broadband internet access can be obtained. Few are listed below. Cable. HFC. XDSL. Fiber Optic’s. Power Line Access. Cable Internet It uses the same co-axial cable which is used for viewing Television. In order to provide this Cable internet to the subscriber the cable operator has to upgrade his equipments. The Cable subscriber can obtain this cable internet service by using cable modem and connect this modem to the computer. The cable modem works like Television but its differs in the output, the output in the television is a TV program but in cable internet it’s a web page. The cable has a storage or space, through which the television program can be transmitted and this space is called as the â€Å"Bandwidth†. So this bandwidth will bring webpage and television program to the end user. The cable modem transmits full duplex with great speeds ranging from 10 -20 Mbps (regardless of distance) but degrades when it’s shared by multiple users at the same time. Cable Internet Access is reliable but not secure.By using firewall and proper password protection we can over come the security problem. Hybrid Fiber Coax (HFC) HFC is an extension of Cable internet.The signals from headend system to the customer pass over a combination of fiber and coaxial cable. Fiber optic cables will connect the head end system to the neighboring node and co-axial cable is used to connect households to this node. Figure 2: Hybri Fiber Coax In HFC the signals will flow in both forward direction (Downstream) that is from head end system to customer via node and reverse direction (Upstream)that is from customer to head end system via node. Since coaxial cable (shared medium) is used for connecting node and customer there will be lot of interference in Upstream and Downstream of signals. To avoid this interference in coaxial cable the frequency is split into two. In HFC the Downstream is allocated with more frequency bandwidth than the Upstream because more video content is sent to the homes, so for this reason â€Å"Non-Symmetrical† process is followed to configure HFC network. By â€Å"Non-Symmetrical we mean path in one direction (Downstream) has more data carrying capacity. Earlier the upstream was used for information like ordering movie, audio etc.. But now extra features like internet and telephone are added to HFC network and hence the upstream is utilized more. xDSL The generic name for DSL technology family is xDSL.DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) uses telephone line to provide high speed internet broad band access the speed of which can be 1.5 Mbps for a typical residential connection or more. The various type of xDSL are shown below: ADSL RADSL SDSL HDSL HDSL2 VDSL ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) This technology uses existing phone connection to provide high speed internet broadband access. The word Asymmetric means the Downstream and upstream speed differs in other words more data is transmitted in Downstream than Upstream, Digital means the data is converted into digital form i.e. 1’s and 0’s and by â€Å"Subscriber Line† it mean simple copper wire is used for this. In the telephone exchange this ADSL can be implemented with special equipments and in the customer side it can be obtained by connecting a the phone connection to ADSL modem and ADSL modem is connected to the computer. One major disadvantage of ADSL is that the speed will get reduced as distance between the ADSL provider and Customer increases. ADSL uses the Frequency Division Multiplexing technique for data transmission. The communication link is divided into three non overlapping frequency band, two-way telephone channel (0 to 4 KHz band-POTS),medium speed Upstream (4KHz to 50 KHz band) and High speed Downstream(50KHz to 1MHz) RADSL (Rate-adaptive Digital Subscriber Line) RADSL differs from ADSL .In RADSL depending upon the length and the quality of the line, the modem can adjust the speed of the connection. SDSL (Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line) In SDSL Upstream and Downstream have the same speed. SDSL can transfer data up to 3Mbps in both directions. The figure below shows the difference between ADSL and SDSL. From the figure it’s clearly seen from ADSL the Sending (Upstream) have small pipeline where as in the SDSL both Upstream and Downstream have same pipeline size Figure 3:SDSL With ADSL webpage access is not an issue. But ADSL faces problem when it needs to download large amount of data. HDSL (High Bit Rate Digital Subscriber Line) HDSL will provide speed up to 1.5 Mbps in both the directions (Upstream and Downstream) which can be used for businesses that hosts websites. HDSL 2(High Bit Rate Digital Subscriber Line 2) This advanced version of HDSL this HDSL2 will provide same throughput in single copper wire and provide telephone service. VDSL (Very high bit-rate Digital Line Subscriber) This VDSL is advanced version of DSL technologies which has very high downstream speed (52 Mbps) and upstream (12 Mbps) bandwidth. VDSL architecture is based on two technologies QAM (Quadrature amplitude modulation) or DMT (Discrete multitone modulation) that are not compatible. The most commonly used technologies are DMT. Fiber Optic’s In Fiber Optic’s data is transmitted via optical fibers. Optical fiber is a thin wire made up of pure glass with .These Optical fibers are bundled together to form a Optical cable that transmits data to long distances. The Figure shown below will discuss about the various parts of the Optical Cable.Optical Cable has three parts namely the Core, the Cladding and the Coating. Core: The inner most layer of the Optical Cable made up of glass. In this layer the data is transmitted in the form of light. Cladding: This layer is above the inner core. This layer is also made up of glass. The main use of this layer is to reflect light back into the core. Coating: This is outermost layer of the cable. The main use of this layer is to protect the cable from damage. This optical fiber cable is covered with an outer jacket. The are two types of Optical fiber, Single mode and Multimode. The Single mode uses laser beam to transmit data, the inner core of which is small in diameter and hence has less to nil modal dispersion. On the contrary, the Multimode has a larger diameter, uses LED and suffers from modal dispersion. Broadband over Lines (BPL) This technology provides high speed broadband internet access to homes via electrical outlets. By combining the concepts of modem, radio and wireless networking ,the BPL developers developed a way to send data via power lines to homes at speed of 3Mbps. The BPL developers by adjusting the Power Lines with the help of special equipments can send data on it. The BPL developers could partner with power companies and Internet service providers to bring broadband to everyone with access to electricity. There are two types of BPL services, In-house BPL that is used to network inside buildings and Access BPL that provides Broadband internet via power lines Figure 5: Broadband Over Line Silicon Chipset in modem helps in getting the data from an electrical outlet and uses modulation technique and adaptive algorithm to handle noise in the power lines. From the figure above we can see that the modem looks like a common adapter which c an be plugged into electrical socket, and an Ethernet wire from the modem will connect to the computer. Wireless Medium (Micro Wave) Satellite This technology uses satellites and satellite dish to provide high speed broadband internet connection and uses microwaves to transmit data signals. With the help of this technology we can link two or more base stations on earth. The signals from the base station are passed to the satellite on one frequency and the satellite will regenerate the signal or increase the signal strength with the help of repeater and will send it to the destination base station. There two type of satellite used for this purpose, geostationary satellite and low altitude satellite. Geostationary satellite remain at the same spot above the earth (36000 Km) .Because of the huge distance between the base station and the satellite, it will induce a propagation delay and its used mainly in telephone service . Low altitude satellites revolve around the earth and provide continuous coverage for all the area. There are two types of satellite broadband access, two way satellite internet services and one way satellite internet services. In two way the data can be transmitted in both the direction and in order to do this the satellite dish must be large. In one-way its can only receive data not send data. There are two types of satellite system asynchronous satellite system and synchronous satellite system.In asyn the upstream and downstream speed will be different where as in synch the speed in both the direction will be same. Major advantage of this technology is that it can provide high speed broadband internet access to the place where wired medium is not possible. The speed of download is 600k and upload is 128K. Major disadvantage is the price and reliability of the service ( it may get affected due to bad weather). Wireless Medium (Radio Wave) Fixed Wireless This technology uses Radio waves to provide high speed broadband internet access. There are two types, point-to-point fixed wireless and point-to-multipoint fixed wireless. In Point-to-Point signal is transferred from one antenna to other antenna(indoor or outdoor) which is on ground station .The main disadvantage in Point-to-Point is line of sight .Signal cannot reach the destination antenna if its not in the line of sight of the first antenna. In Point-To-Multipoint the only difference is that the signals via radio waves can be transmitted to many receivers rather than one dedicated receiver. It has the same drawback line of sight. Wi-Fi Here it uses radio waves to send and transmit data. To implement this we need a wireless adapter card and a wireless router. The digital information (web page request) from the computer is converted to radio wave with the help of wireless adapter. These radio waves are captured by wireless router which in turn will convert the radio signals back to digital signal and send the information to net via Ethernet cable. The response (webpage) will reach the wireless router which converts them into radio waves which is in turn converted into digital signal by wireless adapter. WiMax The main disadvantage of wireless broad band is that it is very expensive and cant be widespread. Wi-Fi works only in Hotspots. To over come these difficulties WiMax technology is introduced which is like a cell phone with broadband access. It basically has 2 parts WiMax Tower and WiMax Receiver. Wifi max tower work the same way as the cellular tower and has a very large coverage area. The wimax tower is connected to internet always or it can be connected to other wimax tower using line of sight microwave link .WiMax receiver is like a wireless adapter used in Wi-fi technology Wimax provides two type of wireless service. â€Å"Non Line of Sight† service in which the computer uses an antenna to connect it to the tower. â€Å"The line of sight in† which the antenna is fixed in a roof top and pointed directly to the wimax tower.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Pardoner as Symbol in Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales Essay

The Pardoner as Symbol for the Pilgrims’ Unattainable Goals in Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer’s work, The Canterbury Tales, paints a portrait of medieval life through the voices and stories of a wide variety of speakers. The people on the Pilgrimage tell their stories for a wide range of reasons. Each Tale is told in order to accomplish two things. The Tales provoke their audience as much as they are a kind of self-reflection. These reactions range from humor, to extreme anger, to open admiration. Each story is symbolic for a meaning above the actual plot of the narrative itself. The theme of social and moral balance is one theme which ties every character and Tale together. The character of the Pardoner exemplifies this ideal. By embodying imagery of balance in his character and in his story, the Pardoner becomes a symbol for the Pilgrims’ unattainable goal of spiritual and moral balance. All the characters in The Canterbury Tales are on a pilgrimage. Their physical journey takes them to the cathedral at Canterbury, to visit the shrine of a former archbishop, Thomas a Becket. When their stories are looked at allegorically, the pilgrimage takes on a new meaning. Beyond a physical journey, these Pilgrims engage their minds and thoughts upon a symbolic journey. The subjects of their stories vary widely, but common to all is the desire for self-knowledge and understanding. The Knight’s Tale, with its emphasis on courtly love and chivalric ideals, is a portrayal of the changes happening within the higher classes of medieval English society. The drunken Miller shows his anger towards the aristocracy by telling a parody of the Knight’s Tale. The Pardoner’s Tale tells the story of three young men who wa... ...omes a way of reconciling the unbalanced portions of human experience in order to promote growth in the face of sin and death. Works Cited and Consulted Ames, Ruth M. God’s Plenty Chaucer’s Christian Humanism. Loyola University Press: Chicago, 1984. Chaucer, Geoffrey. "The Pardoner’s Tale." The Canterbury Tales: Nine Tales and the General Prologue. Ed. V.A. Kolve. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1989. Colby, Elbridge. Chaucer’s Christian Morality. The Bruce Publishing Company: Milwaukee, 1936. Ellis, Roger. Patterns of Religious Narrative in the Canterbury Tales. Banes & Noble: Totowa, 1986. Patterson, Lee. "Redemption in Chaucer's Pardoner’s Tale.† Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Durham; Fall 2001. 507-560 Reiff, Raychel Haugrud. â€Å"Chaucer’s The Pardoner’s Tale.† The Explicator. Washington, Summer 1999. 855-58

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Affirmative Action :: essays research papers

AFFIRMATIVE ACTION I. â€Å"We didn’t land on Plymouth Rock, my brothers and sisters – Plymouth Rock landed on us!† Malcolm X’s observation is brought out by the facts of American History. Snatched from their native land, transported thousands of miles – in a nightmare of disease and death – and sold into slavery, blacks were reduced to the legal status of farm animals. Even after emancipation, blacks were segregated from whites – in some states by law, and by social practice almost everywhere. American apartheid continued for another century.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1954 the Supreme Court declared state-compelled segregation in schools unconstitutional, and it followed up that decision with others that struck down many forms of official segregation. Still, discrimination survived, and in most southern states blacks were either discouraged or prohibited from exercising their right to vote. Not until the 1960’s was compulsory segregation finally and effectively challenged. Between 1964 and 1968 Congress passed the most sweeping civil rights legislation since the end of the Civil War. It banned discrimination in employment, public accommodations (hotels, motels, restaurants, etc.), and housing; it also guaranteed voting rights for blacks in areas suspected of disenfranchising blacks. Today, several agencies in the federal government exercise sweeping powers to enforce these civil rights measures.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  But is that enough? Equality of condition between blacks and whites seems as elusive as ever. The black unemployment rate is double that of whites, and the percentage of black families living in poverty is nearly four times that of whites. Only a small percentage of blacks ever make it into medical school or law schools.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Advocates of affirmative action have focused upon these differences to support their argument that it is no longer enough just to stop discrimination. Liberal Democrats feel that the damage done by three centuries of racism now has to be remedied, they argue, and effective remediation requires a policy of â€Å"affirmative action.† At the heart of affirmative action is the use of â€Å"numerical goals.† Opponents call them â€Å"racial quotas.† Whatever the name, what they imply is the setting aside of a certain number of jobs or positions for blacks or other historically oppressed groups. Conservative Republicans charge that affirmative action really amounts to reverse discrimination, that it penalizes innocent people simply because they are white, that it often results in unqualified appointments, and that it ends up harming instead of helping blacks.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The issue of preferences to address historical patterns of racial, ethnic, and gender discrimination has received a great deal of attention nationally.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Internal And External Factors Effect The Levels Of Management Essay

How Internal And External Factors Effect The Levels Of Management For a company to be successful in the long term today, they must be diverse. The company needs to be able to adapt to changes. The need for these changes can present themselves from many angles. Some would include changes in the economy, marketing, or even a change in the target audience. A company has to look at more than just the four levels of management. Organizations must look at how internal and external factors can affect the four levels of management, and adjust accordingly for these changes to be successful in today’s world. Diversity  There are many types of diversity, racial, ethnic, cultural, age, gender, and geographic. But diversity can also include experience and skills. A company’s ability to survive depends on their ability to adapt to current changes. The diversity within a company must be taken into consideration during the four functions of management. The most successful companies will be those that recognize the power of diversity in their workforce and in the product mix, and effectively create products and services that appeal to their increasingly diverse customer base. By including diversity in the planning stage, Amazon. om would reflect diversity in their business. This would results in better products and a wider range of consumers giving them an advantage over competitors. The company must understand its’ organizational structure, and the social and cultural perspectives of its’ employees in order to be effective, efficient, and promote an environment suitable for progress. Employees who are diverse in skills, experience, and background help to builds a strong organizational foundation. Increasing globalization requires companies to have more interaction with diverse cultures and backgrounds. Organizations must be prepared to teach themselves and their employees to value multicultural differences. Management must motivate their employees to attend diversity training in order to be educated on different cultures and traditions and to respect these differences. Diversity is critical to a company’s success. We are part of a worldwide economy with global competition. Diversity can increase productivity, marketing opportunities, recruitment, and the organization’s image which, in turn, can increase profits (Leading With Diversity, nd). Globalization Globalization has changed the face of business. In today’s business market, international business is necessary in order to gain an advantage. Amazon. com understands this requirement. With the formation of the Internet and Internet marketing, globalization was a beneficial perk which changed the business market, providing a way for companies to reach businesses and customers from around the globe at the click of a mouse. Amazon. com was created to work in the global business environment through the Internet. The company handles B2B and B2C relations and transactions. Amazon. com uses an online customer data base to keep up with the demands of customers. The company created an Internet e-business model, and built up from these based on information obtained from customers. â€Å"The company’s strong infrastructure supports its mission to be the leader in e-commerce,† (â€Å"A Conceptual Analysis f the Key success of Business in â€Å"terms of Internet Marketing, 2012). Customers are always looking for convenience in today’s global economy. Amazon. com uses technological innovation to drive growth and deliver convenience to its customers. An online business, such as Amazon. com, bases goals for â€Å"Planning† on these factors. In order to deliver strategic value, a company such as Amazon. com works to extend globally to reach customers and retailers internationally. Amazon. com began with a B2C platform, but management saw the potential to be an online global leader by handling B2B relations as well. When Organizing, management adds software, e-commerce capabilities, and access for businesses to use the online company’s resources. Amazon. com has created a global online business through proper planning and organizing that delivers strategic value. Management Leading can mobilize and motivate employees. Amazon. com has extended its sales and products through extended branches in different parts of the world to provide services anytime and anywhere through the Internet and globalization. Through the Controlling process of management, online companies such as Amazon. com have continuously improved and expanded services to all over the world. As a result of success through correctly utilizing the four functions of management, Amazon. com is a leading fortune 500 company who uses globalization through the World Wide Web to deliver fast, successful services to customers and retailers. Without the possibility of globalization through technology, e-commerce would not be enough for the company to stay on top. Technology Technology is constantly changing and considerably hard to keep up with. Because of these changes, managing at Amazon. com would definitely be a challenge. Managers must start with the planning phase by evaluating and determining consumer’s needs for buying, selling, using, and shipping which can show both internal and external growth. Personal data is shared online and is protected to ensure safe transactions. Amazon. com ensures that identity theft is never an option through their technology. Organizing all the data gathered from technology can also help management keep track of trends, sales, and possible returns. Once this information is shared among management, they are then able to lead employees with training on how to implement new technology like software, security protection on servers. Amazon. com also ensures employees are adhering to company policy with the use and access of services online. The controlling phase of management is completed by watching over the progress of smart phone applications, Internet home use, and shipping sales. By watching progress and being sure initial goals and challenges are being met, the security of consumer information and products are not being put to risk, and if a problem arises, management can catch it early enough to take care of the situation. With technology making access to Amazon. com so much easier for consumers, the management of this constant changing technology can be a huge challenge with so many options for access and keeping the information protected with encryptions. Innovation With an ever changing market, a great business has to be able to become what the consumer needs at any given moment. This requires innovation. Innovation involves any new idea, product, process, technology or service that a business introduces to its consumer. When it comes to innovation and the planning process, a business needs to be aware that factors such as the market, the customer’s current needs, and even what products competitors have released, can affect the current business plan. There needs to be flexibility in the business plan to account for these changes. A business needs to have leaders who are able to understand how their business is being currently run and how it can be run in the future. This allows them to see ow changes in the business plan might affect all aspects of the business. A business manager needs to be open-minded and encourage its employees to share their ideas on new business models, new ways to make a profit and even ways to improve existing business methods so that the current business plan is both innovative and effective. When it comes to innovation and the organizing process, a company needs to be aware of the current business plan at all times. The need for a business to be innovative and adapt to the changes in the market can cause all four functions of management to need adjusting frequently. If the business plan is changed, the company needs to re-gather and assign all its resources, employees and finances to ensure that the new plan can be implemented fully and in an organized manner. Innovation affects this function of management in a more indirect way; by changing the planning process, the directing process changes. When a company decides to change their business plan, they have to re-direct the staff. When evaluating the staff, the manager needs to be sure that they are on track to meet the goals outlined in the planning process. Innovation can cause the goals to change, thus causing managers to re-evaluate the employees to be sure they are still on track. Ethics Every business is run by a set code of ethics. Ethics are different for every person, as they are an individual’s personal take on what is right and what is wrong. A business uses a code of ethics to ensure that every employee abides by the same set of standards and upholds the values of the organization with which they work. When it comes to the planning process, ethics play a key role. The company needs to know how they want their business to appear to the public and develop their plan around that. If a company wants to appear ethical and trustworthy to its customers it has to provide great customer service at all times. This meant that Amazon. com had to create a safe site, a quality product, and be sure to deliver the product promptly. When it comes to organizing and ethics, Amazon. com had to be sure to keep all resources, employees, and finances in order to keep their word on the quality of both their product and their delivery times. For the customer to believe that Amazon. com is an ethical and trustworthy site requires employees and resources to be organized at all times. When it comes to leading their employees, it is important to be sure that they are not only on task but also following the company’s code of ethics. If having a safe site, a quality product, and prompt delivery is important to Amazon. com; it needs to be important to all their employees as well. When analyzing the progress being made, the manager needs to also be sure that the staff is remaining diligent in their efforts to ensure quality customer service. Ethics are found in every facet of a company and therefore they need to be monitored regularly. Conclusion There is so much more that goes into maintaining a successful business in today’s competitive marketplace than just the four levels of management. The company must always be aware of and be able to adapt to many changing factors. These factors come from many places in the marketplace. Some are external and the company will have little to no control over these and must simply adapt. However the internal factors can be controlled by the company through monitoring and policy changes. The company that can notice the changing factors and integrate and adapt to these changes will be successful in today’s competitive marketplace.